
Finally, after 2 official years, I am ready to share of journey of choosing to homeschool our 4 children.

First, let me clear the air before I get too deep on the issue. Let’s address many concerns…Have I always dreamt of homeschooling my children? NO. Did I ever dream id be the mom, maid, cook, lunch lady, dean, counselor, hall monitor, best friend passing notes, and sometimes safe key lady? NO!

Well… to be truthfully honest my only reason for ever considering homeschool was because of a conversation held between my husband and myself comparing academic experiences.

On one hand, mine was awesome! My mother was very involved. She was the patent chaperone when we went on field trips, the last parent leaving parent teacher day, the parent leaving voice-mails for teachers, and the mom you didn’t need to tell about many of your days because she was there! Love ya mom😆.

Then, you have my dear hunny, D. He was passed along like a paton,through many years of school, although he hadn’t qualified to pass. He made it all the way to the end in fact, and then was left to pick up the pieces when he couldn’t pass state exams. Many of his schooling experiences, IMHO, have nothing to do with school, learning, or anything that matters 😯. This was something.. is something I refuse to see my children endure. Call me overprotective, overbearing, or anything in the book. So help me lord, I plan to be there at every turn to mold the best Craney citizens I possibly can. I hope to offer them a better education than their father or myself had. Through text, hands on discovery, travel, and most importantly faith.

There you have it, my dear readers, this is what scared me into my current situation! I am exciteed to continue this journey with you, sharing my ups, downs, and discoveries!

^ 👀wow I think I officially found the name of my blog^…Ups, downs, and discoveries.